Oracle: Oracle plans significant expansion globally

Dec 12, 2023 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Oracle founder and CTO Larry Ellison revealed this week that the company is planning to expand its data center footprint significantly in the near future. He mentioned that Oracle is in the process of expanding 66 of its existing cloud data centers and building 100 new cloud data centers.

Ellison said, “We have to build 100 additional cloud data centers because there are billions of dollars more in contracted demand than we currently can supply. Cloud infrastructure demand is huge and growing at an unprecedented rate. In the next few weeks, we expect to sign a couple more billion-dollar cloud infrastructure contracts.”

He added, “We're able to build new data centers rapidly and operate them inexpensively because all of our data centers are architecturally identical, highly automated, with an identical high-performance RDMA network, autonomous services, and applications.”

Ellison also mentioned that Elon Musk’s AI venture xAI is a major Oracle customer: “We got enough Nvidia GPUs for Elon Musk's company xAI to bring up the first version, the first available version of their large language model called Grok. They got that up and running. But, boy, did they want a lot more. Boy, did they want a lot more GPUs than we gave them?"