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  • NTT Data and Gaia-X partner on Digital Clearing House deployment

NTT Data: NTT Data and Gaia-X partner on Digital Clearing House deployment

Oct 11, 2024 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

NTT Data has partnered with Gaia-X to deploy a testbed for a Gaia-X Digital Clearing House in Japan, which is the first outside of Europe, which is the first outside of Europe. Gaia-X is a European initiative seeking to establish a federated European cloud platform that is big enough to challenge the market dominance of the US hyperscale providers. To do this, Gaia-X architects aimed to pool the resources of various smaller companies in the market.

The deployment is part of a data space test bed project led by the University of Tokyo alongside the likes of Toshiba, SoftBank, NTT Data, and NTT Communications. The deployment is currently limited to development and testing. The Japan deployment is part of Gaia-X's plans to expand its global presence and establish international cooperation.

"We are thrilled to see the Gaia-X Digital Clearing House technology being adopted beyond Europe,” said Ulrich Ahle, CEO of Gaia-X. “This collaboration with NTT DATA is a significant step forward in our mission to support the creation of a truly global, federated digital infrastructure that respects data sovereignty and promotes innovation.”