Netherlands: Nokia involved in ocean plastic prevention project

Mar 22, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Nokia has outlined its involvement in a project to prevent ocean plastic pollution as part of The Ocean Cleanup project, which is a non-profit organisation that seeks to extract ocean plastic pollution through technological development. To help clear ocean plastic, the company has partnered with MCS, to deploy its DAC private wireless solution, to harvest plastic in the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. 

The vendor has outlined that further deployments are set to take place, with DAC providing end-to-end private wireless networking and Edge computing platform.

Explaining how the company is contributing to the project's work, Subho Mukherjee, Head of Sustainability at Nokia, said: "Through our subsea optical fiber networks, innovations such as acoustic sensing technology, remote environmental monitoring, or private wireless, Nokia can – and will - continue to play an important role in the marine environment."

Adding: "We are proud to support and collaborate with The Ocean Cleanup, and look forward to seeing how our technology can genuinely drive sustainable change and help protect critical natural resources and habitats."