Published in Microsoft Azure

Microsoft signs 20-year, 835MW AI data center PPA to reopen Three Mile Island Nuclear Power Plant

Sep 20, 2024 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Microsoft plans to take up 100 percent of a revived Three Mile Island nuclear power plant to faid its AI datacenter plans. If approved by regulators, Constellation hopes to open the 837MW Pennsylvania facility in 2028. 100 percent of the power will go to Microsoft, to match the power used by its data centers in the state as well as Chicago, Virginia, and Ohio.

“Powering industries critical to our nation’s global economic and technological competitiveness, including data centers, requires an abundance of energy that is carbon-free and reliable every hour of every day, and nuclear plants are the only energy sources that can consistently deliver on that promise,” said Joe Dominguez, president and CEO, Constellation.

“Before it was prematurely shuttered due to poor economics, this plant was among the safest and most reliable nuclear plants on the grid, and we look forward to bringing it back with a new name and a renewed mission to serve as an economic engine for Pennsylvania. We are especially honored to name this new plant after our former CEO Chris Crane, who was a fierce advocate for our business, devoting his entire career to the safe, reliable operation of our nation’s nuclear fleet, and we will continue that legacy at the Crane Clean Energy Center.”

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