Microsoft Azure: Microsoft signs 110MW PPA with AES

May 06, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Microsoft has announced that it has signed a new PPA with AES for renewable energy to fuel its facilities in California. The PPA is a 20-year “highly customized agreement” which will see Microsoft partially match its load at its California-based data centers. 

The energy from AES will be sourced from a portfolio comprising 110 MW of solar and 55 MW of four-hour storage projects from the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) region.

Brian Janous, general manager of energy and renewables at Microsoft, commented: "AES' presence and critical capabilities in California will support our transition to 100 percent renewable energy by 2025 and enable us to move forward in having 100 percent of our electricity matched by zero-carbon resources all the time in the state." 

Adding: "We've looked to AES as a partner in PJM [an electric transmission system serving a number of states around the mid-Atlantic US] and now California based on its ability to create innovative commercial structures that meet our needs."

Meanwhile, Andrés Gluski, AES President and CEO, said: "Microsoft continues to be a leader in the clean energy transition. Working in tandem with Microsoft, we co-created a scalable 24/7 carbon-free solution to power its data centers in Virginia, and we are now proud to move forward on another innovative renewable energy supply structure in California."