According to Bloomberg, Private equity company MBK Partners is mulling over the acquisition of China’s Vnet. Vnet Group Inc., formerly known as 21Vianet, is a Chinese data center firm. MBK is in discussions with a partner over a joint offer for Vnet. Vnet had been an acquisition target for many companies. Earlier in April, the company received offers from Industrial Bank Co., Ltd and Hina Group. Any bid from MBK will have to match or exceed the previous bids Vnet has received. According to Bloomberg, talks are still in the early stages, and it is still possible for MBK to pull out of any potential deal.
Vnet was established in 1996. The company currently has over 50 data centers in its portfolio. These facilities are spread across 30 cities in China. MBK, on the other hand, was founded in 2005. The company currently has over $25.6 billion in capital under management. It also focuses on investments in South Korea, Japan, and China.