Published in Brussels

LCL switches diesel for HVO at its Brussels-West data center

Oct 31, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

LCL has announced that it's replacing diesel with hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO) for its backup generators at its Brussels-West data center in Aalst, after investing in six new 2.25 MVA generators. The company is reportedly the first to do so in Belgium, and it aims to have all the generators at its five data centers operating on HVO100.

“Using HVO100 enables a 90 percent reduction of CO2 equivalent emissions from the generators. In total, this represents a reduction of 72 tonnes of CO2. Put simply, HV0100 is wholly renewable,” said Laurens van Reijen, Managing Director of LCL Data Centers. “We are striving hard to be an example for the other Belgian and European players in our sector. We also hope to send a signal to our existing and potential suppliers to make their own organizations more sustainable.”

Tim Bisson, Director of Eneria Belux, added: “We were delighted to receive the request from LCL Data Centers to make its backup generators operate on HVO100. The Caterpillar generators have been fully tested on our premises, in line with the very specific requirements of LCL. We tested their operation with diesel, HVO100, and a blend of the two fuels. Our conclusion was that, whatever fuel is used, the performances – in other words, the power, reactivity, and emissions – of the generators fully remain the same.”

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