Published in Amazon AWS

Lawsuit filed against Amazon data center in Warrenton, Northern Virginia

Apr 05, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

As Amazon continues its seemingly unstoppable global expansionm, in Warrenton, North Virginia, home to the biggest data center hub in the world, environmentalists and local residents have launched a lawsuit to try and stop the behemoth's growth in the region. The environmental nonprofit Citizens for Fauquier County (CFFC) is leading the charge, along with ten local residents who have lodged the lawsuit with Fauquier Circuit Court. 

Together, they allege that council members violated the town's zoning ordinance and comprehensive plan when approving the plan. On this basis, they are seeking to overturn its decision to approve Amazon's request to construct a 220,000 square-foot (20,400 sq m) data center with a special-use permit, arguing that the decision is subsequently invalid. 

Speaking about the lawsuit, CFFC president Kevin Ramundo said that it recognizes the town has "ignored its own zoning ordinances, its own comprehensive plan, its own legally prescribed processes," and the "clearly expressed desires of the vast majority of its citizens in approving this data center."

At the time of approval, the proposal garnered widespread opposition, with those against the property citing a whole host of reasons for their opposition, including:
  • Noise, 
  • Property values, 
  • Traffic, 
  • Environmental concerns, and 
  • Concerns around new transmission lines.

Within the lawsuit, representatives of CFFC (lawyers Whiteford, Taylor & Preston), argue insufficient information was shared and further that Amazon itself, failed to provide the information required by the ordinance, including: 
  • A traffic-impact analysis, 
  • Noise analysis, 
  • Odor analysis, 
  • Lighting and tree preservation plans, and 
  • Details of a proposed substation.

In addition, it is alleged that a second public hearing was not held.

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