Aug 31, 2021 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Lake Parime has announced plans to build a 10MW data center near Clyde, New Zealand, which Contact Energy's Simply Energy subsidiary will power. However, unlike other data centers, the company would only run this facility when variable renewable energy sources are available in excess. 

When available, renewable energy would power one of the company's modular 'Powerbox' data centers, which would be used to operate machine learning, visualization, modeling, and blockchain and cryptocurrency.

Lake Parime, which uses renewable energy operators to provide sustainable computing infrastructure, recently lodged plans with Central Otago District Council.

Contact chief executive Mike Fuge commented: "This is the first announced project from our pipeline, as we pursue our target to secure over 300 megawatts of market-backed demand opportunities in the lower South Island, reducing New Zealand's reliance on the Tiwai smelter given its expected closure at the end of 2024."

Adding: "And of course, the demand flexibility aspect is aligned with our decarbonisation aspirations as it will reduce the volume of thermal generation needed to back up the national grid in a dry year."

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