Compute North: Is a new data center to move into Pitt County?

Oct 14, 2021 | Posted by MadalineDunn

As reported by WITN, there are murmurs in Pitt County that a data center may be on its way. This news has not been well received by locals, who have voiced concerns around the facility, which is to be proposed next to Belvoir Elementary School. Locals are apprehensive about potential noise pollution and have also outlined that the facility will likely consume vast amounts of energy.

The company pushing forward the proposal is Compute North, a Minnesota-based company that powers cryptocurrency mining operations. This week, it invited locals to voice their concerns and ask questions by holding an open house. 

One resident said that the facility has the potential to ruin the natural landscape of the area and argued it could be an eyesore. Molly Holdeman outlined: “I don’t think it’s going to have a positive impact. I think it’s going to have a huge drain on the power company, and I think it’s going to be [noisy] and [an] unsightly view. In Pitt County, we have all of these lovely fields and I know it’s growing, but we don’t have to grow cheaply.”

While residents continue to express uncertainty about the facility, the Pitt County Board of Commissioners will vote on the issue next Monday.