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  • IIJ: Micro data center moves in at Shiroi Data Center Campus

Japan: IIJ: Micro data center moves in at Shiroi Data Center Campus

Oct 05, 2021 | Posted by MadalineDunn

IIJ has announced that it has deployed a micro data center on the premises of Shiroi Data Center Campus (Shiroi DCC), the first of its kind in Japan. A 12U, the micro data center has an available range of 12U to 38U. 

The MDC also has a cooling unit, an uninterruptible power supply (UPS), environmental sensors, security cameras, and physical security (a remote-controlled electronic lock).

Going forward, IIJ plans to develop a solution to allow customers to deploy and operate its MDC-based edge computing platform easily. Projections are that this will be in FY2021.

The micro-data center market, while nascent, is growing, and current projections estimate that by 2025, the market will be worth $6.5 billion, a jump from $3 billion just over a year ago.