United States: Hexatronic enters US data center market

Sep 29, 2021 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Hexatronic has reportedly entered the data center market by acquiring 100% of the shares of Data Centre Systems (DCS). This latest acquisition follows a number of other acquisitions outside of the industry, including Optical Solutions Group, The Fibre Optic Shop, and Rehau Group.

According to DCS, Kevin Ehringer will continue to serve as CEO. Further to this, the company said that the acquisition will help it to "fulfill its vision" of becoming a worldwide leader of storage and network connectivity for large enterprise-class data centers.

Commenting on the company's latest acquisition move, Henrik Larsson Lyon, CEO of Hexatronic Group, said: "With DCS, Hexatronic enters the US market for data centres that are expected to experience continued growth."

Adding: "Ever-increasing data traffic as well as the trend towards edge computing increase the need for both larger hyperscale data centres as well as small and mid-sized data centres closer to the edge."

The deal has been financed through Danske Bank and may go through as soon as October. 

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