GDS Services Ltd: GDS Holding continues expansion in China

May 20, 2021 | Posted by Eric Bell

GDS Holding has significantly expanded its footprint in China after commencing construction on five different facilities in its first quarter, with a view for further expansion.

The company has closed two data center acquisitions in Beijing 15 and Tianjin 1. BJ15 brings over 19,000 sq m (204,000 sq ft) of capacity, according to the company. Meanwhile, its new facilities, Beijing 8 and Huailai 1, are coming into service. Shanghai 13, Shanghai 14 Phase 1, Shanghai 16, Beijing 7, and Langfang 8 all came online in the previous quarter.

The company is also building a new facility (BJ16) on the same site as its BJ15 facility.

Speaking about the company’s growth plans, GDS founder, chairman, and CEO, William Huang, said it hopes to enter the Singapore market and also expects to enter an additional one to two new markets in China.