Fujitsu: Fujitsu to trial a private 5G network and robot datacenter inspector at data center

Nov 22, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Currently, Japanese multinational information and communications technology equipment and services corporation Fujitsu has a lot in the works. It’s trialing a private 5G network at a data center so that a robot can carry out data center inspections and report on any anomalies it finds.


The trial will run from December 2022 until March 2023, with the aim of promoting the “digital transformation of data centers, boosting operational resilience and process automation.” The robot will be equipped with a 4K camera to capture video data of equipment at the data center. Then, the data will be transmitted locally by private 5G, and a system will be established to analyze on-site conditions with AI to detect any abnormalities at an early stage. According to Fujitsu, it plans to “create a system that can support the monitoring of conditions on the ground and recovery work, even from a remote location.”

However, while this all sounds rather futuristic, the project has its skeptics, who point to the fact that when compared with the robot Alibaba Cloud uses to remove and replace dead disk drives within servers in its data centers, Fujitsu’s isn’t that great. 

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