Netherlands: Eurofiber Cloud Infra employs circular economy principles

Aug 15, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Eurofiber Cloud Infra has announced that it is exploring employing circular economy principles in association with housing corporation Volkshuisvesting, infra-specialist for new energy Firan, and Eurofiber-owned Dataplace, for its data center in Arnhem, the Netherlands. The three have partnered to investigate using waste heat from Eurofiber's Arnhem facility to heat the local neighborhood of Plattenburg.

Aart van den Hoorn of Public Housing said about the project's feasibility: "These homes are a bit older and not insulated according to current standards. To be able to heat these homes with residual heat, they must first be better insulated and the supply temperature must be raised to around 70 degrees."

Brenda Schoumans of Firan, responsible for the infrastructure, added: "We also have to connect a heat producer and a heat supplier to the project. Dataplace does supply heat, but is not a heat producer or supplier. And Firan is an independent grid operator and will not play a role in the production and supply of energy."

Together, the partnership will look at solutions to these issues, and experts to release its results this summer, with a view to implementing the system by 2024.