Equinix: Equinix signs solar PPAs in Spain

Feb 28, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Equinix has inked five new long-term PPAs in Spain from solar farms, totalling 225MW, which will be managed by IGNIS. This reportedly brings the company's contracted PPA capacity to 595 MW globally. While specific details regarding the location of the farms have not yet been shared, the company has outlined that by 2025, when the sites are operational, they will generate "more than enough power' to match consumption at its IBX facilities in Madrid, Barcelona, and Seville.

Miranda Ballentine, CEO of the Clean Energy Buyers Alliance, said that PPAs are an important "financial structure" to advance carbon-free power generation that would "not happen otherwise" due to them providing the "critical guarantees of cash flow", enabling developers to obtain necessary financing from banks.

She added: "Equinix has not only led through their own projects but has also used their deep PPA expertise to help other energy customers, project developers, and partners accelerate their own learning curves."

Meanwhile, Raouf Abdel, EVP of Global Operations for Equinix, commented:"Equinix is committed to enabling the digital infrastructure that enriches our daily lives while minimizing environmental impact. We plan to continue to seek opportunities such as these new solar PPAs and other innovations to support renewable power generation globally."