Published in Edge Centres

Edge Centres drives forward plans for solar-power edge data center site Australia

Sep 24, 2021 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Edge Centres has set its sights on Victoria to be home to its first edge data centers. The site in Bendigo, just outside of Melbourne, has been sought out as the first in a long line of prospective sights for development plans.

Its data center designs have carbon-negative footprints, and the site they have lodged development approval for would be powered by 100% solar energy. The facility could go online by November 2021.

Looking ahead, Victoria, New South Wales, and Queensland will also be targeted over the next 18 months, with a view to launch 20 sites in both Australia and Japan.

The company outlined: "Each facility is equipped with just under 1MW of available state-of-the-art solar, and 48 hour battery and UPS backup technology, which supports 64 1KW quarter racks, delivered with N+1 power redundancy."

Adding: "In order to further decrease the impact of the high temperatures that define regional Australia's weather, each site is covered with a metal Thermal Insulator membrane which ensures ambient temperatures don't put additional strain on the facility or its cooling system."

Speaking about the importance of development approval, Edge Centres CEO and founder Jonathan Eaves commented: "Right now, Australia is on the cusp of an edge infrastructure wave, and Edge Centres is building ahead of this generational spike in demand for IoT, edge computing, and cloud. Building ahead of this wave means that we have time to build and connect the necessary infrastructure so that these regional hubs that haven't been connected previously can be ready when it hits."

Further to this, he said: "EC3 in Bendigo is the first of many Edge Centre facilities set to digitally transform and interconnect regional Australia. We're bringing highly sustainable, highly reliable, off-grid digital infrastructure to the edge, and are working tirelessly to help enterprises across the country to bridge the digital divide."

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