Aug 29, 2022 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Edge Centres has announced expansion into Thailand. The company said it is developing three locations in the country and work has started on the first one. The Australian Edge data center firm will deploy the EC61 Chiang Mai site first. EC62 Phuket and EC63 Khon Kaen will also follow in quick successions. The company noted that there are 30 data centers in the whole Asian country with all being located in Bangkok. 

Edge Centres deals with modular off grid data centers which are powered by on-site solar and/or wind power which are connected to the main grid as backup. Each modular data center is equipped with around 1MW of solar infrastructure, UPS backup equipment, and 48-hour battery. Edge claims that the facility generates more power than it uses. The firm naturally focuses on developing Edge data centers across Australia. However, it is now expanding into Asia. It is currently developing data centers in Malaysia and Vietnam.

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