Digital Edge DC: Digital Edge's second ESG report reveals key metrics on carbon neutrality

May 08, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Digital Edge recently published its second ESG report, which shared key metrics for achieving its carbon neutrality target by 2030. Based on the theme of "Future Possible," the report emphasized the importance of building the digital infrastructure of the future sustainably and responsibly and highlighted a number of achievements. 

The report specifically highlighted that its NARRA1 facility in Manila has achieved "market leading" power efficiency metrics, with a PUE of 1.15 at 75% load in Phase 1 testing under optimized conditions, even higher than its design PUE of 1.193. For context, the global average is 1.55. This achievement has been made since March 2023, when the facility opened. Similarly, both NARRA1 in the Philippines and EDGE2 in Indonesia are on track to obtain LEED Gold Certification.

From a renewable energy perspective, two of its facilities, EDGE1 data centre in Jakarta and PEK1 in Beijing, are now utilizing 50% renewable energy for power; geothermal and hydroelectricity, respectively.

Speaking about the results from the Manila data center, Jay Park, Chief Development Officer for Digital Edge, called the numbers "phenomenal," and highlighted the challenge of achieving such results in hot climates.  

"While it still early days and we need to see how the facility performs as we install more customers and increase the load, it is encouraging to see such great performance from day one," Park said.

Adding: "I genuinely believe that by continuing to adopt innovative new technologies and processes we will be able to achieve our ambition to build the most efficient and sustainable data centers in the world."

Commenting on the report, Samuel Lee, Chief Executive Officer at Digital Edge, said, "ESG has been engrained in our company's values since day one and I am pleased to share the meaningful steps we have taken on the journey so far. We continue to strive to 'future-proof' both our infrastructure and our industry; while our company may only be three years old, the investments we are making in ESG ensure we can continue to live up to our values – and meet our customers' needs – for decades to come".