Published in Compass Datacenters

Compass to develop new data center campus in Mississippi

Jan 10, 2025 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Compass Datacenters is to develop a new $10 billion data center campus in Mississippi. The $10 billion figure was the total investment value of the campus, including IT equipment by customers, rather than the company's individual investment figure.

“We are looking forward to building our next campus in Meridian. We appreciate the time and effort Mississippi Development Authority, East Mississippi Business Development Corporation, and Mississippi Power have invested with us to bring this project to fruition and look forward to bringing good-paying jobs and economic benefits to the region for decades to come,” said AJ Byers, president and chief development officer, Compass Datacenters.

Power to the new campus will be supplied through Mississippi Power. “Mississippi Power has been an integral part of the economic development effort to bring more jobs and industries to our state for nearly a century. Mississippi Power has the generating power to support a growing Mississippi while maintaining reliable service for our customers. Our company is proud to be a part of the strategic team that delivered this significant investment to East Mississippi,” added Mississippi Power president and CEO Anthony Wilson.

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