Microsoft Azure: Carbon Streaming Corp. signs carbon capture agreement with Microsoft

Oct 02, 2023 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Carbon Streaming Corporation announced it had signed an agreement to provide Microsoft with biochar carbon removal credits from the Waverly Biochar project in Waverly, Virginia. The company noted that the Biochar project would deliver Microsoft up to 10,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide removal credits per year towards its carbon-negative target.

Carbon Streaming aims to produce charcoal that retains and buries biochar (biological charcoal)- carbon-rich charcoal made from biomass heated in an oxygen-limited environment. This would sequester carbon for centuries, and the Waverly Biochar project is expected to remove over 262,000 tCO2e of emissions over its 25-year project life.

Brian Marrs, senior director of energy and carbon, Microsoft said, “We’re pleased to work with Carbon Streaming to support the development of biochar as a carbon removal approach through the Waverly Biochar project. Carbon Streaming’s capacity to provide project-level finance is an important part of scaling this industry and it ensures we can focus on procuring carbon removal from high-quality projects.”

 Oliver Forster, Vice President of Sales at Carbon Streaming, said, “We are delighted to be working with Microsoft to provide them with high quality and scalable carbon dioxide removals to support their carbon-negative commitment. We’re particularly excited about the capacity for biochar to scale this decade with support from visionary organizations such as Microsoft.”