Aug 25, 2022 | Posted by Eric Bell
Canberra Data Centres has announced the opening of two new facilities in Auckland, New Zealand. The Australian data center company launched the data centers in Auckland's Hobsonville and Silverdale areas. The Silverdale campus is called Auckland Campus One, while the Hobsonville data center is called Auckland Campus Two. They can both support up to 14MW in capacity each. According to CDC, the facilities are the most secure and largest data centers of their type in the country. CDC noted that the data centers were specially designed and developed for national critical infrastructure providers and other firms that require high security and availability.
Andrew Kirker, the new managing director of CDC New Zealand, said: “CDC continues to innovate and set the standard for world-class data center services, supporting our clients’ critical digital infrastructure for the long term. The unique fit-for-purpose, ‘building within a building’ data center design has the most modern and highest quality equipment and features. These include a powerful interconnected ecosystem, guaranteed 100 percent availability, and comprehensive physical and procedural security.”
Kordia, Vector, Vodafone New Zealand, and Feenix are some of the first network service providers in the country to provide IT services to their customers from the new data centers.