Bulk Infrastructure: Esbjerg Denmark DK01: Bulk Infrastructure opens DK01 campus in Esbjerg, Denmark

Dec 03, 2019 | Posted by Eric Advinci

Bulk Infrastructure has opened a new data center campus in Esbjerg, on the west coast of Denmark. The 50 sqm campus can initially support to 20 megawatts and there is room for expansion. 

It took Bulk six months to build the first facility on the campus and anchor customers have already installed equipment. The company promotes there is an opportunity to connect directly into high capacity subsea and terrestrial networks. Esbjerg has several subsea fiber systems terminating within or nearby. These include Havfrue (US, Ireland, Norway, Denmark), Havhingsten (Ireland, Denmark), Cobra (The Netherlands, Denmark), Skagerrak 4 (Norway Denmark), DANICE (Iceland, Denmark). 

Jon Gravråk, CEO at Bulk Infrastructure AS said, "With multiple cable landings planned or already in place, and the landing of the new HAVFRUE trans-Atlantic cable system, this will bring both convergence of networks and associated capacity to Esbjerg, together with creating a natural gateway into Bulk's vast Nordic sustainable and cost-efficient digital infrastructure." 

Bulk has data centers in Norway, and this is the first Data Center Campuses outside Norway.

Bulk's new facility in Esbjerg