Published in BlockQuarry

BlockQuarry will construct a mobile HPC data center

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Sep 01, 2023 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

BlockQuarry, a Texas-based cryptocurrency mining company, is creating a high-performance computing (HPC) storage container with Bitcoin mining and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.  Based on a 40-foot shipping container, the pod will have an elevated floor for utility distribution using HVAC ductwork, network cabling, and power lines. Solar panels will be installed on the roof to supplement the existing subsystems and reduce reliance on the grid.

The data center pod is known as the NexGen Pod5 data center. BlockQuarry has stated that it is discussing with a patent attorney to secure its intellectual property and technology. The NexGen Pod5 has a hash rate of 28,000 THps, houses 280 miners, and has a capacity of 1MW, per the BlockQuarry website. The specifics of the used hardware have not been disclosed.

BlockQuarry also has a 200MW facility in Gaffney, South Carolina, according to its website.

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