Amazon AWS: AWS Reveals The Size of Properties Under Its Control

Feb 11, 2022 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Amazon Web Services has revealed that it has over 26 million square feet (2,415,500 square meters) under its control. The company announced this through its latest 10-K filing. The filing further showed that the company owns 11.9 million square feet (1,105,500 square meters) and leases 14.1 million square feet (1,310,000 square meters) from the combined 26 million square feet. Worthy of note is that the 10-K filing doesn’t reveal which space is for data center white space. 

AWS currently operates 84 availability zones across 26 regions. The company also has partnerships with CyrusOne, Equinix, Hitachi, Digital Fortress, Keppel, Colt, KDDI, KVH, etc. In addition, Amazon was active last year with its acquisitions. It bought two plots of land for $32.5 million and $40 million in northern Virginia to expand its data center presence. Interestingly, AWS already operates close to 40 data centers in the region.