Africa Data Centres: Africa Data Centres to double capacity in Johannesburg, South Africa to 100MW

Nov 23, 2021 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Africa Data Centres has revealed its plans to more than double its capacity in Johannesburg, South Africa. The company says its footprint in the region would be increased to 100MW. ADC currently has two campuses in Johannesburg which will have 20MW of capacity each upon full build-out. In addition, ADC plans to expand its capacities in both Samrand and Midrand while also acquiring land for a third location in the city.

The President and CEO of Africa Data Centre’s parent company, Cassava Technologies, Hardy Pemhiwa, spoke about the development. He said ADC’s announcement of expansion shows that the company is dedicated to speeding up the digital transformation on the African continent. Pemhiwa noted that increasing the company’s data center footprint will help achieve its ADC’s goal of a digitally connected future with Africa at the forefront.