Africa Data Centres: Africa Data Centres and Linx form partnership

May 23, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Africa Data Centres has shared that it has formed a strategic partnership with the London Internet Exchange (LINX) to pursue growth opportunities in current and new markets in Africa.

ADC plans to launch in 10 of Africa's economic hubs, including South Africa, Nigeria, Zambia, Kenya, Rwanda, Egypt, Morocco, Senegal, Ivory Coast, and Angola.

Speaking about this news, Tesh Durvasula, CEO of Africa Data Centres, said: "Building new facilities is the one path that Africa can take to address the growing need for storage and networking that are crucial to digitising Africa and bringing digital services to its citizens." 

Durvasula added that the new partnership is the "recipe for great things" to enhance connectivity and digital services in new and emerging markets across Africa.

LINX reportedly has 950 plus members that include major cloud, data communications, telecommunications and enterprise companies spanning more than 85 countries.

Nurani Nimpuno, Head of Global Engagement at LINX, shared the company's excitement to work with ADC on the journey into new markets in the continent. 

 "The data centre giant has the largest hub of interconnected facilities on the continent, making it the ideal partner to serve the growth and demand predicted in the ICT sector and opening up fantastic opportunities for countries across Africa, and making digital services a reality for hundreds of millions of citizens," said Nimpuno.