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  • Microsoft allegedly nears multi-million-euro agreement with CISPE for antitrust complaint

Microsoft Azure: Microsoft allegedly nears multi-million-euro agreement with CISPE for antitrust complaint

Jun 03, 2024 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Microsoft is reportedly nearing a multi-million-euro agreement with cloud lobby CISPE- also known as Cloud Infrastructure Services Providers in Europe to put an end to its antitrust complaint according to news first reported by Politico. However, a CISPE representative denied the claims to Reuters.

CISPE told Reuters: "These rumors are incorrect. Discussions between CISPE and Microsoft are ongoing, and while proposals have been made, no agreement has been reached. Any offer will need to be submitted for acceptance to the association’s General Assembly, which includes 34 European cloud providers located in over 14 Member States."

Microsoft told Politico that it continues to work "constructively with CISPE to resolve concerns raised by European cloud providers." The company's president, Brad Smith, will meet the EU antitrust chief Margrethe Vestager on 4th June to discuss competition and artificial intelligence.