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  • SwarmOne unveils new instance-less platform for AI training

SwarmOne unveils new instance-less platform for AI training

May 31, 2024 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Swarm computing company SwarmOne has unveiled its instance-less platform for artificial intelligence (AI) training after completing over 340,000 hours of AI training with a selection of first customers. The company notes that this will make users "free of the cloud" and they would not have to set up or optimize instances, while providing access to large amounts of compute power.

“SwarmOne boosted personnel efficiency by about 90 percent, significantly reduced training costs, and enhanced delivery,” said Michael Erlihson Ph.D, AI tech lead at Salt Security, an early customer. “This made us far more competitive in our market."

“We built this platform because, like most data scientists, I spent way too much time sourcing, provisioning, and managing GPU instances for AI training,” said Ben Boren. “For AI to thrive, it must break free from cloud providers like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and Microsoft Azure. The barriers that exist in AI training are clear. But, it doesn’t have to be this way. Swarm computing can become the new standard for AI training.”