Green Mountain AS: Norway’s Green Mountain completes first Tiktok data center

Dec 01, 2023 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Green Mountain has completed the data center building at the OSL2-Hamar campus in Norway, which it claims is Europe’s largest data center run on renewable energy and has officially handed it over to TikTok. The social media company is now in charge of delivering, installing, and testing servers and equipment in the data halls. 

This 30MW facility is expected to go live in Q2 2024, and two other 30MW data center facilities at the campus will be handed over in the course of the next few months. Green Mountain CEO Svein Atle Hagaseth said, “We are excited to hand over the key to the building to TikTok today. This is an important milestone for us as a company. We have had excellent cooperation with our client TikTok and with our General Contractor CTS Nordics to reach this critical phase of the project."

Green Mountain also mentioned that it is currently working with industry and researchers to explore the possibility of reusing waste heat from the facility. The chief sustainability officer Torkild Follaug, said, "We are confident that we can maximize the benefits of the excess heat for the local community in the very near future.