Czech Republic: Czech telecoms firm to build new DC campus outside Prague

Sep 26, 2023 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Czech telecoms firm České Radiokomunikace (CRA) recently announced it's undergoing construction of a new data center campus on its site at the Cukrák transmitter, located in Jílovište to the south of Prague. The telecoms firm noted that the campus will offer a capacity of up to 78 racks at 3kW and will be ready by January 2024. 

According to the company, the space only recently became available due to a change in the broadcasting technologies needed at the broadcasting tower. "The use of existing buildings for new purposes that are based on our service offer is a trend that we have been working on for more than ten years," said CRA's commercial director, Petr Možiš.

Možiš assured that "very safe, technologically appropriate, and sufficiently energy-supplied transmitter buildings are ideal for building data halls, including the corresponding facilities," as he announced plans to build a new 2,000-rack facility near Zbraslav on the outskirts of Prague last year, 

"By using and modernizing the existing premises, we will also ensure a more efficient and gentle operation of the buildings. At the same time, all our data centers use 100 percent energy from renewable sources to cover their consumption, which is also in line with our long-term ESG strategy," he concluded.