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  • Prea obtains authorization for 100MW Berlin data center

Berlin: Prea obtains authorization for 100MW Berlin data center

Sep 20, 2023 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

The construction of a 100MW data center in Berlin, Germany, has received planning approval. This week, the German consulting and services firm Prea announced that it has received approval to construct a new data center in Berlin in collaboration with the Dutch developer Van Caem.

Four four-story structures will be constructed on the 602,780 sq ft site on Rhinstraße in the Lichtenberg district for the Bluestar Datacenter project, offering 70MW of IT capacity across 322,920 sq ft of IT space. Additionally, an on-site substation will be constructed. Approximately $1.07 billion will be invested in the endeavor. The launch is scheduled for the first quarter of 2026.

Prea subsidiary Prea Construction GmbH is responsible for the architectural work, the entire project administration, and the project's development through phase 4. The site will utilize adiabatic refrigeration and aim for a PUE of less than 1.3. It will be linked to a regional district heating network.

The rumor that Van Caem intended to construct a data center in the German capital first surfaced in June and was confirmed in July.