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  • Japanese Renewable Energy Industry's announces first solar-powered data center achieves stable operations

Japan: Japanese Renewable Energy Industry's announces first solar-powered data center achieves stable operations

May 09, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Japan Renewable Energy Corporation (JRE) has announced that stable operation has been achieved at the Morgenrot data center constructed on the grounds of its solar power plant in Nagano prefecture. Morgenrot will provide its M:CPP (Morgenrot Computing Power Pool) GPU cloud service from the data center, which will be supplied with 100% renewable energy.

The two signed a deal to team up on the project back in June 2022, whereby a containerized data center, built by Mirait Corporation and consisting of 40 AMD and NVIDIA servers, would be installed. Having launched in December 2022, JRE shared it is now running smoothly. The project is the first of its kind for the company. 

JRE’s Nagano Omachi Solar Power Plant itself has an installed capacity of 2,443kW and a planned output annually of 3,500,000kWh. However, details regarding the facility’s power requirements were not shared.