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  • Authomize Expands Cloud Security Services to Australian Businesses with Microsoft Data Centers Availability

Microsoft Azure: Authomize Expands Cloud Security Services to Australian Businesses with Microsoft Data Centers Availability

Apr 14, 2023 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Authomize, a leading cloud security and authorization platform, has announced that its services are now available in Microsoft data centers in Australia. This expansion brings Authomize's innovative platform closer to Australian businesses seeking advanced security solutions. According to the company's CEO, Dotan Bar Noy, this move is part of their ongoing commitment to helping companies worldwide protect their cloud assets. He added that the expansion to Australia is a significant step in their mission to provide reliable and effective authorization services to customers globally. Authomize's platform is designed to simplify and streamline authorization processes for businesses using cloud-based applications. It automates user permissions and access to cloud resources while providing visibility and control over users' actions. The platform also enables organizations to enforce security policies and comply with regulatory requirements.

The company's decision to expand to Australia was based on its recognition of the growing demand for cloud-based security solutions in the region. With the rise of remote work and cloud adoption, businesses in Australia are increasingly looking for ways to secure their cloud infrastructure effectively. Authomize's presence in Australian Microsoft data centers will provide businesses with faster access to its platform and ensure data privacy compliance with local laws and regulations. With this expansion, the company expects to attract more customers in Australia and expand its global reach.