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  • IBM Will Open San Sebastián Quantum Computing Facility at Ikerbasque Campus

IBM Cloud: IBM Will Open San Sebastián Quantum Computing Facility at Ikerbasque Campus

Mar 28, 2023 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

A quantum computer will be installed in San Sebastián, located in the Basque Country of Spain, thanks to a collaboration between IBM and Fundación Ikerbasque. The IBM-Euskadi Quantum Computing Center is anticipated to launch by the end of 2024. It will deliver Qiskit Runtime services from a 127-qubit IBM Quantum System One on the Ikerbasque main campus in San Sebastian (the Basque Foundation for Science). The quantum computing center will focus on material science, physics, and information systems, among other scientific and technological fields. The alliance will contribute to the Basque Country Government's Ikur 2030 strategy to enhance quantum research. 

IBM will deploy the quantum computer at the Ikerbasque facility in San Sebastian, which Ikerbasque maintains. The IBM-Euskadi Quantum Computing Center is the second in Europe; the Fraunhofer Society in Germany houses the first. IBM has also deployed a quantum computer at the Cleveland Clinic in Ohio, US, and revealed plans to deploy a second at its Bromont location in Quebec, Canada, last year. The company is presently developing a quantum processor with more than 4,000 qubits and plans to have it ready by 2025. Since 2016, IBM has deployed over sixty quantum computers for external usage.