Amazon AWS: AWS announces new cloud region in Malaysia

Mar 05, 2023 | Posted by MadalineDunn

AWS has launched a new AWS infrastructure Region in Malaysia, and through this, has outlined its intention to invest $6 billion (MYR 25.5 billion) in Malaysia by 2037. According to AWS, to begin with, the region will consist of three Availability Zones. 

Prasad Kalyanaraman, vice president of Infrastructure Services at AWS added: "The new AWS Region reflects our deep and long-term commitment to customers and organizations in Malaysia, as well as our commitment to serving sizeable and fast-growing demand for cloud services across Southeast Asia. We are proud to support Malaysia's digital transformation with the highest levels of security and reliability available on AWS cloud infrastructure."

Kalyanaraman added: "We look forward to helping Malaysian institutions, startups, and companies deliver cloud-powered applications to fuel economic development across the country and to spur job creation, skills training, and educational opportunities in the communities surrounding our data centers."

Meanwhile, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim, Prime Minister of Malaysia, commented that AWS has "committed to the largest international technology investment to date in Malaysia," which he said will advance the country's Malaysia Madani vision of a "highly skilled, innovative, prosperous, and sustainable economy.

Further, he said: "Bringing access to world-class AWS infrastructure, advanced technologies, and cloud skills programs to Malaysia will unlock opportunities for local businesses of all sizes to build and expand globally, cultivate a highly skilled workforce, spur new job creation, and deliver long-term economic growth. Today's announcement is a vote of support for Malaysia's leadership in the global digital economy, and we look forward to deepening our collaboration with AWS to advance our nation's cloud-first ambitions."

The giant has announced its plans to launch 15 more Availability Zones and five more AWS Regions in Canada, Israel, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Thailand.