Microsoft Azure: Microsoft to cut down 2,600 trees in San Antonio to make way for data center

Jan 31, 2022 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Microsoft is to build a data center on a 33-acre plot in San Antonio, however, this will come at the expense of 2,642 trees. The move was recently given the go-ahead by the City Council, who voted 8-3 on Thursday, January 28, 2022. 

The giant will reportedly plant 833 trees around the data center; however, its decision to clear the land for the facility will mean that it will go against the requirements of the Tree Preservation Ordinance, which outlines that 20% of heritage trees should be untouched, and 20% of significant trees. Only 4.5% of heritage trees would remain, and just 3% of significant trees. To try and offset the effects of this destruction, Microsoft will reportedly pay $1.47 million to San Antonio's tree mitigation fund. 

That said, there are many who argue that this is simply not enough and from an environmental standpoint, say that the move is harmful. Arguably, the plan to remove 2,642 trees from the location at Wiseman Blvd, Stonegate Hill is at odds with the company’s sustainability efforts. 

Ana Sandoval, is one particular local who expressed environmental concerns around the proposal, said: "Having trees to absorb that carbon is really urgent. If I had some assurance that the … carbon reduction ability of the trees can be replaced in the short term, I think I would feel differently about this," said Sandoval. "But I don't have those assurances right now."

Meanwhile, James Eckburg, a Stonegate Hill community member and vice president of the Stonegate Hill board of directors, insists that the facility “benefits” the community in several ways. He said: “Although the proposed single-story footprint of the building necessitates this requested variance, the planting of over 800 new trees, both shade and ornamental, will increase our canopy … and replace older unhealthy trees, while regrading and replanting of additional vegetation to help limit soil erosion.”