Lefdal Mine Datacenter: Infosys collaborates with Lefdal Mine Datacenter to push forward Daimler's sustainability goals

Dec 01, 2021 | Posted by MadalineDunn

Infosys has announced that it is transferring Daimler's High Performance Computing (HPC) workloads to Lefdal Mine Datacenter in Norway. This move, according to the company, will help its sustainability goal to become carbon-neutral by 2039 and has been made possible through Infosys' Data Center as a Service (DCaaS) offering in the Nordics region. 

According to the Infosys' press release, the Lefdal Mine Datacenter, which is located in a mine next to a "deep, cold fjord with a stable and low temperature for effective cooling," it offers one of Europe's greenest data center solutions and supplies capacity that is both "air-cooled and water-cooled." It also has a PUE ranging from 1.10 to 1.15.

Speaking about the role Infosys plays in this partnership, Salil Parekh, Chief Executive Officer, Infosys, said: "Infosys is a strategic partner to organizations navigating decarbonization and we are well positioned to deliver sustainable green transformation leveraging expertise gained from decade long efforts in environment stewardship. We pioneer projects around the world across every industry to facilitate climate change actions, developing solutions and services to help clients in their low-carbon transition."

He added that through delivering this "transformation" for Daimler, the company had shown the impact Green Infrastructure as a Service can have in reducing a company's environmental impact reduce organizations' impact on the environment.

Meanwhile, Jørn Skaane, Chief Executive Officer, Lefdal Mine Datacenter AS, commented: "We have built and operate a leading sustainable, secure and cost-effective data center – The Norwegian Solution. With short travelled renewable power and cooling from the nearby fjord, sustainability is in the core of our mission and values. Our ambition is to be the greenest data center in the world, with the ability to offer tailor-made and scalable data center solutions. We are inspired to have been chosen to host Daimler HPC workloads and will contribute for Daimler to become CO2 neutral."

Jan Brecht, Chief Information Officer, Daimler and Mercedes-Benz, said: "A large proportion of our IT energy consumption comes from our data centers which require significant power for computing and cooling. That's why we're transforming our data centers with the support of our partner Infosys, bringing particularly the high-performance computing into one energy efficient solution at Lefdal Mine Datacenter. Not only will we benefit from natural cooling thanks to the cold weather, our operations will also be run on 100% green energy. This initiative marks another important milestone on our journey to becoming Co2 neutral".