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  • Rostelecom signs data center service deals with Russian Post and mining company Petropavlovsk

Rostelecom: Rostelecom signs data center service deals with Russian Post and mining company Petropavlovsk

Sep 08, 2021 | Posted by Abdul-Rahman Oladimeji

Russian telco Rostelecom has announced the signing of a new data center deal with Russian gold mining company Petropavlovsk and Russian Post. Rostelecom signed a five-year contract worth RUB13.5 billion ($184.3 million) with Russian Post to provide IT services. The agreement will see Rostelecom serve 40,000 facilities, including data centers, infrastructure, and post offices across Russia.

The deal's details also include Rostelecom increasing the data transfer rate in each network to 500 Gbps from 200 Gbps. The Company will also increase the number of postal facilities that are connected to the corporate data transmission network through fiber-optic by 10%.

The deal with Russian gold mining company Petropavlovsk will see Rostelecom build fiber-optic communication lines at the Company's mines. Rostelecom will also create a unified VPN and provide data center services for the gold mining Company.