Google Mayes County Oklahoma Photos

Google Mayes County Oklahoma Data Center Photos

Jenny Odell, a Bay Area digital artist, was commissioned to jazz up the structure in Mayes County, Oklahoma as part of Google's Data Center Mural Project.

Odell created four circular collages us...

Jenny Odell, a Bay Area digital artist, was commissioned to jazz up the structure in Mayes County, Oklahoma as part of Google's Data Center Mural Project.

Odell created four circular collages us...
Four Circular Murals are on the Side of Google's Mayes County Data Center

Jenny Odell, a Bay Area digital artist, was commissioned to jazz up the structure in Mayes County, Oklahoma as part of Google's Data Center Mural Project.

Odell created four circular collages using Using imagery collected from Google Maps. Each of the circles focus on different types of infrastructure found in the modern world. For example, swimming pools, circular farms, waste and salt ponds, and wastewater treatment plants.

Mayes Data Center Murals Up Close
Source: Google
Initial Google Facility in Mayes County
Source: Blake Gowriluk, 2015
Countless Rows of Racks and Servers at Google's Oklahoma Data Center
Source: Google
Beautiful Sunset over Google's Mayes Campus
Source: Google