Garanti BBVA Bank Technology Campus: Garanti BBVA Data Center awarded Tier IV Gold Certification

May 24, 2021 | Posted by Eric Bell

Garanti BBVA has announced that its data center has become one of the sixteen data centers in the world to be awarded Tier IV Gold Certification in Operational Sustainability from the Uptime Institute.

Commenting on receiving the award, Ilker Kuruoz, Executive Vice President of Engineering and Data of Garanti BBVA, said that the company had received a return on its investment. He added that the certification “indicates the maturity” of the data center’s “technical infrastructure and has international validity”.

BBVA Press Release:
Garanti BBVA continues to provide added value to the banking sector thanks to itsinvestments in technology. For this reason, it was awarded the Tier IV Gold Certification in Operational Sustainability from the Uptime Institute, which develops data centersustainability standards.

This certificate demonstrates the high quality standards that Garanti BBVA applies to itscritical tasks. It also shows that its digital infrastructure and organizational culture help itachieve its strategic objectives.

Ilker Kuruöz, Garanti BBVA Executive Vice President, stated: “The role of the IT Center atGaranti BBVA Teknoloji is essential for Garanti BBVA to make a difference with itstechnological innovations and new functionalities.” The bank has made important investmentsto improve the operational sustainability of the Garanti BBVA Data Center. Investments thathave been relevant for earning it awards. “The certification highlights Garanti BBVA´sreputation and technological capabilities, which has once again demonstrated its commitmentto offering impeccable service in all aspects. It is a recognition of international prestige forwhich we are very proud,” added Ilker Kuruöz.

About Tier IV Gold Certification
Uptime Institute’s Tier Certification of Operational Sustainability (TCOS) provides Tier Certified datacenter owners, operators, and managers with an assessment of the prioritized behaviors and risksintrinsic to data center operations and serves as an essential guide for effective and efficientoperations.

The Tier compliances standards established twenty-five years ago by the Uptime Institute are nowaccepted internationally as the premier paradigm for measuring data center performance